Bilateral Implant Based Reconstruction
Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeons of East Coast Advanced Plastic Surgery

Patient Details:
38 year old female with right sided breast cancer who decided to undergo bilateral mastectomies. Scar location is mainly dictated by nipple position. As can be seen, her right nipple areola complex is located higher than the left due to previous biopies and resulting skin retraction. The final position of the scar highlights this preoperative asymmetry. The breast mounds, however, are symmetric and aesthetically shaped. A woeman’s preferences regarding final size can be satisfied with attentive discussions and teamwork.
Patient Age: 38
Diagnosis: Ductal Carcinoma
Primary Procedure: Bilateral Total Mastectomy
Breast Reconstruction: Tissue Expansion; Acellular Dermal Matrix, Breast Implant Reconstruction
Breast Implant Position: Subpectoral (Beneath Muscle)
Nipple Reconstruction: CV flap, 3-Dimensional Nipple Areolar Complex Tattoo
Type of Breast Implant: Silicone Breast Implants